Saturday 8 September 2012

Republican Nazis?

I am not 100% sure but i think this video has something to do with this story nearly a week ago

1 comment:

  1. The "Meta"-joke, Billy, is that the animators are using a programme that has the characters speaking robotically, as if they are just spouting this stuff automatically without even thinking about it, which is what the characters are claiming the Right want their followers to do.

    PS-- So you know, the Big Lie as described by Hitler was "a lie that convinces by its sheer audacity, which, even if it can be shown to be a falsehood, still sticks in people's minds, on the analogy of 'there must be a kernel of truth' or 'where there's smoke there's fire'." Of course, this is what he was claiming his opponents did to him (which they were). Hitler was a rather wordy chap, and Goebbels boiled it down to "keep repeating it, true or not," treating it as a how-to rather than as a description.
