Monday 10 September 2012

Facebook for 10 year olds?

Reading the latest unison magazine (because thats what bloggers do) i came across something that left me stunned :

I have blogged about getting death threats on Twitter and that bloggers ( well from my view) expect them, so when this story caught my eye i asked myself a few questions.

1: Why are PCSOs giving out internet safety lessons (should they not be catching criminals?) when this is the job of a parent.

2: What the hell is a Year six child doing with a facebook account?

I have no desire to have children at all but some things just leave me stumped, If you have a child surely you would protect them ( as much as you could ) from unnecessary harm? I see on twitter everyday examples of abuse and attempts at bullying and from what i hear Facebook is no better. So why did the parents of this child allow them to have a facebook account?

When i read this story i took to twitter to voice my shock and amazement at a 6 year old having facebook (until i released it said Year 6 which is a 10/11 year olds) and a few lovely followers came back with a stories of bullying and how they think children under 16 should not have facebook, another saying she wont let her daughter on till 16.

 If parents are not aware that Facebook and twitter are not suitable for children without adult supervision then they are failing their children, If parents don't know what their child is doing while online then they should do their best to find out before its to late.

If i did have a child i don't think i could expose them to the vile abuse and bullying that you can get on FB and Twitter.

I write this still stunned that a 10/11 year old was allowed a Facebook account.

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