Monday 13 August 2012

Grow up!

This just came across my timeline :

I see the left are touting this around.

Grow up, as a gay man i do not find anything offensive about this, in fact i find the faux outrage laughable.

Don't get offended on my behalf.

After a brief tweet convo i was left with this reply :

 Next time read the profile ;)

Oh there is more :

 Oh and yeskatiedear is a Labour Party councillor for Devonport, Plymouth. and as she says on her twitter profile she is : " YES I AM ONLY 18. Proud geek, fierce socialist and angry republican." .

It shows.


  1. Why does I scare u , billy botty ???

    Ewanme x x

    1. .. because you're the real deal and Billy's just some FagBot.

    2. If that's the real Harry Cole (not sure), I'd like to point out that she seems to be too real to comment on your blog under her chosen name.

  2. Well, she's only 18, and clearly a bit confused. The French statesman Georges Clemenceau, on being told that his son had joined the Communist party, said, 'My son is 22 years old. If he had not become a Communist at 22, I would have disowned him. If he is still a Communist at 30, I will do it then.'

    (PS: I mean Kate, not Ewanme though I'm sure she's still as fresh as a daisy.)

  3. She sounds a lot more clued-up to the issues LGBT communities face every day than you do. Wasted seconds of my life reading this trash.
